A short sketch of the history of Trinity
The beginnings of Trinity were cottage prayer meetings in the homes of the people of Pottersburg, 1907 sponsored by Dundas Centre Methodist Church. From the homes of the people, the Congregation moved to the second story of a blacksmith shop, Forrester's Hall, now 678 Hale St. In 1908, the London Junction Methodist Circuit was formed, comprising this Pottersburg or London Junction work and the Gore appointment. Present at the organizational meeting were: Rev. Dr. Lancely, of Dundas Centre Methodist Church, chairman; Mr. Irwin student minister; and Messrs. Dorman, Lashbrook, Duffin, Reavely, Talbot, McRoberts, Poad, Webb, Ditch. The congregation decided to build a church and in November 1908, moved from the blacksmith shop to a little building, a new church, across the street.
Rev. J. Melvin Keyes was the first ordained minister of the circuit and the first minister to occupy the parsonage on Hale St. in 1914. In 1915 the name was changed from London Junction to Hale St. Methodist Church. In 1922, under Rev. L. W. Reid, operations began to provide an adequate building. The basement of this present church was built; across the street stood the Pottersburg Public School.
At the time of Church Union, 1925, the present name, Trinity United Church was chosen. Building operations again commenced in June 1927, and the original church building was dedicated on Sunday, January 29, 1928. On Sunday, February 28, 1954, the mortgage of the church was burned.
On May 19, 1955, the New Cornerstone was laid for the addition to the original church with some 150 Sunday School boys and girls each laying one brick in the wall inscribed with their name. This new addition enlarged the Nave of the Church and added a Chancel and Chapel as well as a large Christian Education Centre. All this was under the direction of the Minister, Rev. Joseph V. Clarke, Plans and Supervision Committee Chairman, R. J. Esdon, Congregational Contract Supervisor, J. A. McAlister, and Committee members, H. J. B. Brown, P. H. Goddard, S. H. Myles, J. I. Montague, A. C. Price, Y. D. Shervill, G. A. Spencer. The Service of Re-opening was held Sunday, February 5, 1956, when Rev. Geo. C. Pidgeon, First Moderator of the United Church of Canada presented the Key to Mr. Norman Land, Chainnan of the Board of Trustees.
During the period of our Expansion Program, our city was continuing to expand East and South with new suburban communities surrounding Trinity. In the fever for Church Extension, encouraged by the United Church Extension Council, new Congregations were established at Fairmont, Richard's Memorial and Gethesemane, at the cost of over 100 active families from this Church.
Although Trinity is not as strong in numbers and financially as in the period of Expansion, it is felt that this Congregation has a future in the Christian Service and Witness which it has to offer in this community.